Forum Replies Created
This reply has been marked as reply to: Fatal Error
I go to check your site. i see the problem because your enter field name for Radio button is wrong. please enter “CitizenshipStatus” ( not enter Citizenship Status). HAVE NOTICE WHEN YOU ENTER FORM FIELD NAME. WHY YOU NOT READ IT ??? PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENTS
You must be logged in to view attached reply to: Conditional Logic with IMPREZA ThemeThis reply has been marked as reply to: Form Country?Dear.
Sorry. the plugin only support you to control (show/hide) and re-order single product data: title, price, description, it not support to create product thumbnails images to reply to: Single Product ImagesThis reply has been marked as reply to: Form Confirm Email?Thank you for your idea, we’ll add it in next version.
best regards.
in reply to: Form International Phone NumbersThis reply has been marked as reply to: Conditional Logic with IMPREZA ThemeYou don’t need create category template for each Product Category. please create one category page template and go to edit each Product Category and select this category page template.
in reply to: How to edit Category pages?Dear.
for create conditional logic on DHVC Form. please see example with image in attachmentAttachments:
You must be logged in to view attached reply to: Conditional Logic with IMPREZA ThemeThis reply has been marked as reply to: Form Confirm Email?Dear. Please send for me your problem URL. i will see details to help you.
best regards.
in reply to: Form Confirm Email?Dear,
I not see you have use Woocommerce Products Layouts plugin to display product in sidebar. Please add product list use Woocommerce Products Layouts in sidebar of page i will see details to help you.Dear,
I go to check your site, but i give 404 page. please check your site again. I need check details your problem to help you.Best regards.
in reply to: Single Product ImagesYes, please create a select field and add custom function to add Country options via WordPess Filter hook.For do it, please go to file {yourtheme}/functions.php and add custom function and change variables in function (please see images)
function dhvc_form_select_options_country($options_arr,$dhvc_form,$field_name){ if($dhvc_form->ID == '{your_form_id}' && $field_name == '{your_field_name}' ){ $countries = array( 'AF' => __( 'Afghanistan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AX' => __( 'Åland Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AL' => __( 'Albania', 'dhvc-form' ), 'DZ' => __( 'Algeria', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AD' => __( 'Andorra', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AO' => __( 'Angola', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AI' => __( 'Anguilla', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AQ' => __( 'Antarctica', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AG' => __( 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AR' => __( 'Argentina', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AM' => __( 'Armenia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AW' => __( 'Aruba', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AU' => __( 'Australia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AT' => __( 'Austria', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AZ' => __( 'Azerbaijan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BS' => __( 'Bahamas', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BH' => __( 'Bahrain', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BD' => __( 'Bangladesh', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BB' => __( 'Barbados', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BY' => __( 'Belarus', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BE' => __( 'Belgium', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PW' => __( 'Belau', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BZ' => __( 'Belize', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BJ' => __( 'Benin', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BM' => __( 'Bermuda', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BT' => __( 'Bhutan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BO' => __( 'Bolivia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BQ' => __( 'Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BA' => __( 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BW' => __( 'Botswana', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BV' => __( 'Bouvet Island', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BR' => __( 'Brazil', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IO' => __( 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'dhvc-form' ), 'VG' => __( 'British Virgin Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BN' => __( 'Brunei', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BG' => __( 'Bulgaria', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BF' => __( 'Burkina Faso', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BI' => __( 'Burundi', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KH' => __( 'Cambodia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CM' => __( 'Cameroon', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CA' => __( 'Canada', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CV' => __( 'Cape Verde', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KY' => __( 'Cayman Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CF' => __( 'Central African Republic', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TD' => __( 'Chad', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CL' => __( 'Chile', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CN' => __( 'China', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CX' => __( 'Christmas Island', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CC' => __( 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CO' => __( 'Colombia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KM' => __( 'Comoros', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CG' => __( 'Congo (Brazzaville)', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CD' => __( 'Congo (Kinshasa)', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CK' => __( 'Cook Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CR' => __( 'Costa Rica', 'dhvc-form' ), 'HR' => __( 'Croatia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CU' => __( 'Cuba', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CW' => __( 'CuraÇao', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CY' => __( 'Cyprus', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CZ' => __( 'Czech Republic', 'dhvc-form' ), 'DK' => __( 'Denmark', 'dhvc-form' ), 'DJ' => __( 'Djibouti', 'dhvc-form' ), 'DM' => __( 'Dominica', 'dhvc-form' ), 'DO' => __( 'Dominican Republic', 'dhvc-form' ), 'EC' => __( 'Ecuador', 'dhvc-form' ), 'EG' => __( 'Egypt', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SV' => __( 'El Salvador', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GQ' => __( 'Equatorial Guinea', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ER' => __( 'Eritrea', 'dhvc-form' ), 'EE' => __( 'Estonia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ET' => __( 'Ethiopia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'FK' => __( 'Falkland Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'FO' => __( 'Faroe Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'FJ' => __( 'Fiji', 'dhvc-form' ), 'FI' => __( 'Finland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'FR' => __( 'France', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GF' => __( 'French Guiana', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PF' => __( 'French Polynesia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TF' => __( 'French Southern Territories', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GA' => __( 'Gabon', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GM' => __( 'Gambia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GE' => __( 'Georgia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'DE' => __( 'Germany', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GH' => __( 'Ghana', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GI' => __( 'Gibraltar', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GR' => __( 'Greece', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GL' => __( 'Greenland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GD' => __( 'Grenada', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GP' => __( 'Guadeloupe', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GT' => __( 'Guatemala', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GG' => __( 'Guernsey', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GN' => __( 'Guinea', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GW' => __( 'Guinea-Bissau', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GY' => __( 'Guyana', 'dhvc-form' ), 'HT' => __( 'Haiti', 'dhvc-form' ), 'HM' => __( 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'HN' => __( 'Honduras', 'dhvc-form' ), 'HK' => __( 'Hong Kong', 'dhvc-form' ), 'HU' => __( 'Hungary', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IS' => __( 'Iceland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IN' => __( 'India', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ID' => __( 'Indonesia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IR' => __( 'Iran', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IQ' => __( 'Iraq', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IE' => __( 'Republic of Ireland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IM' => __( 'Isle of Man', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IL' => __( 'Israel', 'dhvc-form' ), 'IT' => __( 'Italy', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CI' => __( 'Ivory Coast', 'dhvc-form' ), 'JM' => __( 'Jamaica', 'dhvc-form' ), 'JP' => __( 'Japan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'JE' => __( 'Jersey', 'dhvc-form' ), 'JO' => __( 'Jordan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KZ' => __( 'Kazakhstan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KE' => __( 'Kenya', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KI' => __( 'Kiribati', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KW' => __( 'Kuwait', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KG' => __( 'Kyrgyzstan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LA' => __( 'Laos', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LV' => __( 'Latvia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LB' => __( 'Lebanon', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LS' => __( 'Lesotho', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LR' => __( 'Liberia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LY' => __( 'Libya', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LI' => __( 'Liechtenstein', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LT' => __( 'Lithuania', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LU' => __( 'Luxembourg', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MO' => __( 'Macao S.A.R., China', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MK' => __( 'Macedonia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MG' => __( 'Madagascar', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MW' => __( 'Malawi', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MY' => __( 'Malaysia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MV' => __( 'Maldives', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ML' => __( 'Mali', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MT' => __( 'Malta', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MH' => __( 'Marshall Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MQ' => __( 'Martinique', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MR' => __( 'Mauritania', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MU' => __( 'Mauritius', 'dhvc-form' ), 'YT' => __( 'Mayotte', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MX' => __( 'Mexico', 'dhvc-form' ), 'FM' => __( 'Micronesia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MD' => __( 'Moldova', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MC' => __( 'Monaco', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MN' => __( 'Mongolia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ME' => __( 'Montenegro', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MS' => __( 'Montserrat', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MA' => __( 'Morocco', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MZ' => __( 'Mozambique', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MM' => __( 'Myanmar', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NA' => __( 'Namibia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NR' => __( 'Nauru', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NP' => __( 'Nepal', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NL' => __( 'Netherlands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AN' => __( 'Netherlands Antilles', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NC' => __( 'New Caledonia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NZ' => __( 'New Zealand', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NI' => __( 'Nicaragua', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NE' => __( 'Niger', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NG' => __( 'Nigeria', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NU' => __( 'Niue', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NF' => __( 'Norfolk Island', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KP' => __( 'North Korea', 'dhvc-form' ), 'NO' => __( 'Norway', 'dhvc-form' ), 'OM' => __( 'Oman', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PK' => __( 'Pakistan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PS' => __( 'Palestinian Territory', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PA' => __( 'Panama', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PG' => __( 'Papua New Guinea', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PY' => __( 'Paraguay', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PE' => __( 'Peru', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PH' => __( 'Philippines', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PN' => __( 'Pitcairn', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PL' => __( 'Poland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PT' => __( 'Portugal', 'dhvc-form' ), 'QA' => __( 'Qatar', 'dhvc-form' ), 'RE' => __( 'Reunion', 'dhvc-form' ), 'RO' => __( 'Romania', 'dhvc-form' ), 'RU' => __( 'Russia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'RW' => __( 'Rwanda', 'dhvc-form' ), 'BL' => __( 'Saint Barthélemy', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SH' => __( 'Saint Helena', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KN' => __( 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LC' => __( 'Saint Lucia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'MF' => __( 'Saint Martin (French part)', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SX' => __( 'Saint Martin (Dutch part)', 'dhvc-form' ), 'PM' => __( 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'dhvc-form' ), 'VC' => __( 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SM' => __( 'San Marino', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ST' => __( 'São Tomé and Príncipe', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SA' => __( 'Saudi Arabia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SN' => __( 'Senegal', 'dhvc-form' ), 'RS' => __( 'Serbia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SC' => __( 'Seychelles', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SL' => __( 'Sierra Leone', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SG' => __( 'Singapore', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SK' => __( 'Slovakia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SI' => __( 'Slovenia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SB' => __( 'Solomon Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SO' => __( 'Somalia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ZA' => __( 'South Africa', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GS' => __( 'South Georgia/Sandwich Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'KR' => __( 'South Korea', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SS' => __( 'South Sudan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ES' => __( 'Spain', 'dhvc-form' ), 'LK' => __( 'Sri Lanka', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SD' => __( 'Sudan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SR' => __( 'Suriname', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SJ' => __( 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SZ' => __( 'Swaziland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SE' => __( 'Sweden', 'dhvc-form' ), 'CH' => __( 'Switzerland', 'dhvc-form' ), 'SY' => __( 'Syria', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TW' => __( 'Taiwan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TJ' => __( 'Tajikistan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TZ' => __( 'Tanzania', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TH' => __( 'Thailand', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TL' => __( 'Timor-Leste', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TG' => __( 'Togo', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TK' => __( 'Tokelau', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TO' => __( 'Tonga', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TT' => __( 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TN' => __( 'Tunisia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TR' => __( 'Turkey', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TM' => __( 'Turkmenistan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TC' => __( 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'dhvc-form' ), 'TV' => __( 'Tuvalu', 'dhvc-form' ), 'UG' => __( 'Uganda', 'dhvc-form' ), 'UA' => __( 'Ukraine', 'dhvc-form' ), 'AE' => __( 'United Arab Emirates', 'dhvc-form' ), 'GB' => __( 'United Kingdom (UK)', 'dhvc-form' ), 'US' => __( 'United States (US)', 'dhvc-form' ), 'UY' => __( 'Uruguay', 'dhvc-form' ), 'UZ' => __( 'Uzbekistan', 'dhvc-form' ), 'VU' => __( 'Vanuatu', 'dhvc-form' ), 'VA' => __( 'Vatican', 'dhvc-form' ), 'VE' => __( 'Venezuela', 'dhvc-form' ), 'VN' => __( 'Vietnam', 'dhvc-form' ), 'WF' => __( 'Wallis and Futuna', 'dhvc-form' ), 'EH' => __( 'Western Sahara', 'dhvc-form' ), 'WS' => __( 'Western Samoa', 'dhvc-form' ), 'YE' => __( 'Yemen', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ZM' => __( 'Zambia', 'dhvc-form' ), 'ZW' => __( 'Zimbabwe', 'dhvc-form' ) ); $options_arr = array(); foreach ($countries as $country){ $country_obj = new stdClass(); $country_obj->label = esc_html($country); $country_obj->value = esc_attr($country); $options_arr[] = $country_obj; } } return $options_arr; } add_filter('dhvc_form_select_options', 'dhvc_form_select_options_country',10,3);
You must be logged in to view attached reply to: Form Country?Dear, Sorry. the DHVC Form plugin not support create form with steps.
in reply to: Progress Bar Form?