Yes, I understand. But I cant make any action with the hook “dhvc_form_submit_success” get to work. I makes my form to stuck. Even action with just simple echo “Hello World!”… For you it works fine? Thank you again.
I would expect this code to work, but it doesn’t:
add_action('dhvc_form_submit_success', function($submission){ $data = $submission->get_posted_data(); ... whatever I need to do with the data } });
Thanks for advice! But I am still not able to create any working action for the hook “dhvc_form_submit_success“. I am including it to my theme functions.php. After clicking the the submit button the button shows loader but the success message is not shown. I receive the e-mails but the hooked function doesn’t seem to be executed. Could there be some problem because of AJAX?
Could you please show me an example of add_action code with function inside which i can work with posted data from the form? It would be very appreciated.
Thank you!