Forum Replies Created
Please check your site again. I edited for you
.caroufredsel.product-images-slider { opacity: 1!important; }
Best regards,
in reply to: Product Image not displayingHi,
I checked your issue. That page does not use our plugin. I suggest you should contact with theme provider. They will help you fix this issue
Best regards,
in reply to: combine add to cart and price buttonThis reply has been marked as reply to: Search Box not workingHi,
Using Child Theme. It’s safer than editing the main theme’s file, and you can update our main theme ( with automatically update function ) without worrying about losing your modification.
You can find the sample child theme on the package you downloaded from ThemeForest. And you will need to read the comment on the child theme’s functions.php file
Here are some links about child theme:
To avoid losing changes, please install the childtheme. Using Childtheme has some advantages. You can change (Add, reduce, edit, delete) without having any influence on Parentheme when we release an updated version. Besides, it will not eliminate customs you edited. Moreover, structure of child theme is quite simple. It only includes 2 files that are functions.php and style.css. If you want to edit any file, you can copy that file from a position of parent theme to the corresponding one of childtheme. If you do not want to use child theme, you only need to install parent theme.
In a nut shell, you should back up all the data> update> Install childtheme> activate it> pasted edited files in the parent theme into the corresponding position of the childtheme.Best regards,
in reply to: Not compatible with WooThumbs, iconicHi Joel,
Thanks for contacting us.
Please go to wp-content/plugins/dhvc-woocommerce/assets/js/script.js and edit 1=>2
Best regards,
in reply to: Carousel Mobile ViewHi,
It’s great that you have resolved this issue.
If you found another problem, please create a new topic.Best regards,
in reply to: Does it work with Waitlist?Hi,
Thanks for contacting us.
I suggest you consider to use Woocommerce Products Layouts plugin
Best regards,
in reply to: Featured Products by Category in Visual ComposerHi,
Thanks for contacting us.
If You got better explanation for your question , please let us know, we actually don’t really understand what you meant !
We will reply you asap after receiving your next message !
You bought DMCS theme and DHVC Form : WordPress Form for Visual Composer plugin
Now, You can not create a new form. Right?
Please give me images showing errors and send me a link to your site and your admin account via private message. I will check for you soon
Best regards,
in reply to: No instructions on how to set up formHi,
Thanks for contacting us.
I see you make this topic is resolved. If you have another issue. Please create a new topic
Best regards,
in reply to: Related ProductsThis reply has been marked as reply to: NEED FIXING IMMEDIATELYHi,
I suggest you consider to use the child theme.
I suggest you consider using Child Theme. It’s safer than editing the main theme’s file, and you can update our main theme ( with automatically update function ) without worrying about losing your modification.
You can find the sample child theme on the package you downloaded from ThemeForest. And you will need to read the comment on the child theme’s functions.php file
Here are some links about child theme: that, Please add code below in functions.php
function add_custom_script_to_head(){ ?> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <?php } add_action('wp_head','add_custom_script_to_head');
Best regards,
in reply to: URGENT HELPHi,
Wish you a nice day.
Please check your site again. I edited for you.
I added code below in functions.php in child theme
function custom_dhvc_woo_product_page_images_shortcode($atts, $content = null){ global $product; extract ( shortcode_atts ( array ( 'el_class' => '' ), $atts ) ); ob_start (); if (! empty ( $el_class )) //echo '<div class="' . $el_class . '">'; echo '<style type="text/css">.dhvc-woocommerce-page .iconic-woothumbs-all-images-wrap {width: 100% !important;}</style>'; do_action( 'woocommerce_before_single_product_summary' ); if (! empty ( $el_class )) //echo '</div>'; return ob_get_clean (); } function custom_dhvc_woo_init(){ if(class_exists( 'Iconic_WooThumbs' )){ remove_shortcode('dhvc_woo_product_page_images'); add_shortcode ( 'dhvc_woo_product_page_images', 'custom_dhvc_woo_product_page_images_shortcode' ); } } add_action('template_redirect','custom_dhvc_woo_init',11);
Best regards,
in reply to: Not compatible with WooThumbs, iconicHi,
Please check your site again. We fixed that issue for you.
For translate: Please use Poedit software to translate. It’s free. You do not need to buy pro version
Folder: wp-content\themes\luxury-wp\languages\luxury-wp.po
Best regards,Junnie
in reply to: problem in themeThis reply has been marked as reply to: Brand page product layout distortionsHi,
Wish you a nice day.
I suggest you consider to use YOAST SEO plugin. It will help you fix that issue
Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have a fully optimized WordPress site using Yoast SEO plugin.
Best regards,