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This reply has been marked as reply to: recaptcha 2 in german
When I insert this I get a parse error on the page.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting variable (T_VARIABLE) in /wp-content/themes/trendytravel/functions.php on line 2
this code is in my functions.php
<?php if (! defined ( 'IAMD_BASE_URL' )) { define ( 'IAMD_BASE_URL', get_template_directory_uri () . '/' ); } define ( 'IAMD_FW_URL', IAMD_BASE_URL . 'framework/' ); define ( 'IAMD_FW', get_template_directory() . '/framework/' ); define ( 'IAMD_CORE_PLUGIN', WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/designthemes-core-features' ); define ( 'IAMD_THEME_SETTINGS', 'mytheme' ); /* * Define IAMD_THEME_NAME Objective: Used to show theme name where ever needed( eg: in widgets title ar the back-end). */ // get themedata version wp 3.4+ if (function_exists ( 'wp_get_theme' )) : $theme_data = wp_get_theme (); define ( 'IAMD_THEME_NAME', $theme_data->get ( 'Name' ) ); define ( 'IAMD_THEME_FOLDER_NAME', $theme_data->template ); define ( 'IAMD_THEME_VERSION', ( float ) $theme_data->get ( 'Version' ) ); endif; define ( 'IAMD_SAMPLE_FONT', __ ( 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', 'iamd_text_domain' ) ); if (! isset ( $content_width )) $content_width = 1170; // BACKEND DETAILS WILL BE IN include.php require_once (get_template_directory () . '/framework/include.php'); $page_layout = dt_theme_option('specialty', 'global-page-layout'); $GLOBALS['page_layout'] = !empty($page_layout) ? $page_layout : 'content-full-width'; $GLOBALS['force_enable'] = dt_theme_option('specialty', 'force-enable-global-layout'); ?>
in reply to: recaptcha 2 in germanThis reply has been marked as reply to: recaptcha 2 in german
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