This topic is: resolved
Hi, how to change this text “Subscribe to Mailchimp Successful!” as per attached image ? I have changed in includes/functions.php but its still showing the same. no changes
function dh_mailchimp_form($echo = true){ ob_start(); ?> <form id="mailchimp-form-<?php echo wp_create_nonce('mailchimp_subscribe_nonce')?>" method="get" class="mailchimp-form" action="<?php echo home_url('/')?>"> <?php $mailchimp_subscribe = isset($_GET['mailchimp_subscribe']) ? $_GET['mailchimp_subscribe']:''; if(!empty($mailchimp_subscribe)): ?>
<?php if($mailchimp_subscribe == -1){ echo ''.__( 'Ups! Please try again!', 'sitesao' ).''; }elseif ($mailchimp_subscribe == 1){ echo ''.__( 'Thank You! You have been added to our Mailing List and will now be among the first to hear about new arrivals and special offers!', 'sitesao' ).''; } ?>