Please have a look:
This is the shortcode i am using:
[dhvc_woo_products heading_color=’#47A3DA’ heading_font_size=’20px’ query_type=’build’ posts_per_page=’-1′ category=’29,22,30′ post_per_row=’3′ show=” orderby=’date’ order=’ASC’ display=’masonry’ use_default_style_of_theme=’no’ out_of_stock_text=’Out of stock’ show_masonry_filter=’yes’ masonry_filters_border_color=’#ffffff’ carousel_autoplay_timeout=’2000′ item_border_style=’solid’ thumbnail_border_style=’none’ title_align=’left’ excerpt_length=’15’ excerpt_align=’left’ add_cart_price_style=’2column’ show_excerpt=’yes’ excerpt_length=’15’ excerpt_align=’left’ hide_addtocart=’yes’]
As you see i set orderby=’date’ order=’ASC’. This is not working. I just created the product “fdghdfhdfhdfghdfghdg” but it was pushed to the middle. I use the latest version of your plugin + the latest version of wordpress.
Sorting not working
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