I’ve recently purchased your ‘Loja’ theme, and it looks very nice.
However, I’m encountering incorrectly translated strings. I’m not using WPML at this point, and most of the translations on the front page are working fine. I’m using the most recent versions of WordPress and WooCommerce.
During WooCommerce checkout on my site, it says ‘SHIP TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS?’, even though most of the strings are translated in Dutch (nl_NL).
When I look in wp-content/languages/plugins/woocommerce-nl_NL.po on line 1225, the string is translated correctly in Dutch, but apparently Loja is not implementing this correctly.Other examples of untranslated strings are: “I’ve read and accept the terms & conditions”, “BILLING DETAILS”, “YOUR ORDER”, “Have a coupon?”, “Click here to enter your code”, “Search…” and “MY CART”.
How would I go about adding the correct translations for these in the best way? Preferably without using a child theme.
Incomplete translations
This topic is: not resolved