I’m using a plugin called Product Enquiry Pro that replaces the Add to Cart button with a Enquiry Button. When I use the Product Page Builder Add to Cart shortcode nothing appears, I’ve seen other examples you’ve given to buyers that looks like this:
function dhvc_woo_product_page_add_to_cart_custom($atts, $content = null){
extract ( shortcode_atts ( array (
‘el_class’ => ”
), $atts ) );
ob_start ();
if (! empty ( $el_class ))
echo ‘‘;
woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart ();
if (! empty ( $el_class ))
echo ‘‘;
return ob_get_clean ();
function dhvc_woo_product_page_add_to_cart_init(){
add_shortcode(‘dhvc_woo_product_page_add_to_cart’, ‘dhvc_woo_product_page_add_to_cart_custom’,11);
add_action(‘wp_head’,’dhvc_woo_product_page_add_to_cart_init’,11);I don’t think I’ve found the right function… could you assist in getting the button to appear?
Product Enquiry Pro Intergration
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