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Top 5 WordPress SEO plugins to kickass your blog ranking

Always when you write any content on your website like a blog post or a single landing page, you will need to check all factors to make sure it is SEO friendly and as a result, it will take better place in search result.

WordPress itself is SEO friendly and it even allows you to control all the content and post structure. What you need to do is to optimize the content for search. There are tons of thing you will have to check before publishing a post or page. Luckily we have some great WordPress SEO plugins to automatically review and even give suggestion for SEO optimization. Here we go with the 5 WordPress SEO plugins that in our opinion are the best.

1. WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast


WordPress SEO by Yoast is a popular free SEO plugin. It takes care all aspects of SEO and help you to optimize further. With this plugin, you can write better content since it forces you to choose focus keyword and analyize all the content to let you know if each post is good for SEO or not. Yoast SEO also will help you to create XML Sitemaps and meta or edit your .htaccess and robots.txt file and many more functions you will definitely love.

2. All in One SEO Pack



Same as Yoast SEO, All in one SEO pack is another free WordPress SEO plugin that will check and optimize every needed thing for you: generate meta automatically, optimize content for posts, create SML sitemap,… However, not all the features are included in the free version. Some are only available in pro version. Despite the limitation, it is still a worth-to-try SEO plugin.

3. Broken link checker plugin

404 links are dead links  that have no meaning for search engine. We highly recommend to remove such links. Broken link checker will monitor all your posts, comments and other content for broken links and missing images, and notify you if any are found. It is a very useful plugin for finding all internal and external broken links (404 links).

4. SEO Friendly Images



What is a SEO frienly image? It should be a light image that will not affect site speed, and also have enough title and alt tag to let search engine know what it is about. Optimize images for SEO is important to get more traffic from image search of Google. With SEO Friendly Images plugin, images will be added title and alt tag automatically according to your options if you forget to set it yourself.

5. Google Sitemap

This is a simple but useful plugin for SEO optimization. With the Google Sitemap Plugin you can create and add a Sitemap file to Google Webmaster Tools, and get the info about your site in Google Webmaster Tools. Google sitemap can even support multiple custom content format including custom styles for contents like video, gallery, quote, etc. into your sitemap.

How about you? What are your favorite SEO plugins you are using for your blog?

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