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DHWC Ajax – Enable Ajax for WooCommerce Shop

DHWC Ajax – powerful ajax product filter & search solution to increase sales

Your customers aren’t patient and leaving your website. You can helping them find the exact products they want within seconds with DHWC Ajax plugin.

DHWC Ajax is a powerful product filter and search for WooCommerce . It’s plugin extends functionality of WooCommerce products filter . This plugin use AJAX functionality to filter products on Shop, Cat or product tags page.. help customers searching of products by its categories, tag, attributes and price range.. Give them the best search and navigation experience.

Not only that, DHWC Ajax is support use ajax Add to cart in single page and it is support configure colors and photos for product variations.


  • Easily Installation.
  • Easily configure.
  • User-friendly.
  • Support filter product with “chosie field” of Advanced Custom Fields
  • Support use Ajax add to cart in Single Product page
  • Support Product brands
  • Include Variation Swatches and Photos
  • Support Ajax pagination with load more or infinite scroll
  • Support AJAX product Search
  • Multi widget filters styles: Sidebar, Offcanvas…
  • Includes advanced widget filters:
    • Filter with Category, Brand, Tags…
    • Filter with Variation Swatches and Photos
    • Filter with Price range
    • Filter with product stock status: in stock, out of stock..
    • Filter with product status: feauterd, sale…
    • Filter with Weight Dimensions
    • Filter with ACF custom fields
  • Work with any theme
  • and much more…